Initially, this site is focused on WordPress development. Several u3as use WordPress web sites to build and run their activities:
WordPress is popular:
Over 40% of all websites
Over 60% of all content management web sites (like u3as).
Its popularity means there is a great deal of online support, and many web sites and YouTube channels dedicated to helping people use WordPress
It’s free and supported by thousands of free plugins providing extra features, making it even more popular in volunteer-run groups.
However, u3a sites are usually developed by a single individual, or by a company, that might become unable or unwilling to provide support. That leaves them exposed to:
Bugs including problems generated by new versions of WordPress
Issues that different parties blame on each other
Stagnation as sites fail to keep up with local requirements and changing demands.
The idea is to create a community of WordPress developers to:
Provide a safety net in the event of serious issues that cannot be addressed by a u3a
Help u3as find alternate support resources from within or without their membership
Share ideas, experience and code
Cooperate on future developments
This is a free service in line with the general ethos of the wider WordPress self-help community but focused on the needs of u3as. It has been started by a few enthusiastic WordPress developers. No-one is paid to be here. It does not speak for the u3a Trust.