What is this site for

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Site Admin
Posts: 26
Joined: 17 Jan 2022, 16:32
u3a: N/A

What is this site for

Post by admin »

Initially, this site is focused on WordPress development. Several u3as use WordPress web sites to build and run their activities:
  • WordPress is popular:
    • Over 40% of all websites
    • Over 60% of all content management web sites (like u3as).
  • Its popularity means there is a great deal of online support, and many web sites and YouTube channels dedicated to helping people use WordPress
  • It’s free and supported by thousands of free plugins providing extra features, making it even more popular in volunteer-run groups.
However, u3a sites are usually developed by a single individual, or by a company, that might become unable or unwilling to provide support. That leaves them exposed to:
  • Bugs including problems generated by new versions of WordPress
  • Issues that different parties blame on each other
  • Stagnation as sites fail to keep up with local requirements and changing demands.
The idea is to create a community of WordPress developers to:
  • Provide a safety net in the event of serious issues that cannot be addressed by a u3a
  • Help u3as find alternate support resources from within or without their membership
  • Share ideas, experience and code
  • Cooperate on future developments
This is a free service in line with the general ethos of the wider WordPress self-help community but focused on the needs of u3as. It has been started by a few enthusiastic WordPress developers. No-one is paid to be here. It does not speak for the u3a Trust.